Friday, September 25, 2009

Running and weight loss update

Boy, I've sure been neglecting my blog lately. Thanks a lot facebook!

Running update

I'm still going strong with my training for the Twin Cities 5K on October 2nd. I swear by the C25K (couch to 5K) program. I'm on week 8 of 9 and I NEVER thought I'd be running for 25+ minutes with no walking. I have never even run more than 5 minutes straight prior to C25K.

Back on my birthday (Sept 4th), I bought myself a pair of new shoes. I went to Run 'n Fun in St. Paul. I tried on several brands and models and landed on a pair of Brooks. They were $80 and feel awesome on my feet. (Everyone told me I can't be buying a $30 pair on sale at Kohl's). I have wide feet (boo!), so there weren't too many to pick from which made it a little easier.

During week 5 or 6 of my training, I decided to continue with my step aerobics classes at work. Cross-training is good for your body, right? Well, not when you're clumsy like me and twist your ankle and fall on your butt. My ankle and tailbone were sore for days and I iced them a LOT. After about 5 days of "rest", I decided to run again and it felt just fine. I have continued to run without pain, so that's good. Tailbone is healed, but ankle still hurts every once and awhile. I'm just a lot more cautious. And no more classes until after the race. I WILL be running this race - come hell or high water!

Quick WW update
I have lost a total of 26+ pounds since May. I'm pretty much on track with where I wanted to be at this point. I'm still in Weight Watchers and really think it's a joint effort between the running and WW.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Zander's 1st day of school

Just a few photos from Zander's first day of kindergarten.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meeting Brixton

Our friends Eric & Erica had a baby (Brixton) over a month ago and the boys and I finally got to meet him. He's SO cute and the boys (Mason especially) were excited to see him.

Mini vacation

Wow, long time, no post. Lots to share. In mid-August, we took a mini family vacation. It started with 2 days at my sister's in-laws' cabin on Eagle Lake near Battle Lake, MN. The kids had a blast - from fishing to boating and s'mores to sandcastles!

After the cabin, we took it more rustic and went camping. Zander camped one night in the backyard a month ago, but other than that, this was the first time camping as a family. It went about as well as could be expected for a 5 and 2.5 year-old. We hit 3 MN state parks bringing our total to 63. Only 8 more left to conquer the state!