Thursday, May 14, 2009

Concert list

So facebook has all these "top 5" lists - favorite movies, favorite musicians, things that make you happy, cars you want, etc. It would be fun to do those lists or quizzes, but I really have no time. Seriously, how do people find the time?! A list I once saw on facebook - 'concerts you've attended'. Kinda fun, so I'm doing my own list as a blog post here.

Concerts I've attended...

Michael Jackson
Def Leppard
Crash Test Dummies
They Might Be Giants x 2
Paul Simon x 2
Simon & Garfunkel
Bob Dylan - must have had a gun to my head
Jack Johnson
Mason Jennings
Damien Rice x 2
Ray LaMontagne
American Idols Season 7 Tour

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